Small and round, it is a well-recognizable bird with its red-range throat and chest. Often standing on the ground or near the ground, its pretty long legs allow it to hop among the dead leaves in search of insects and worms.

Quite nervous, it often throws a little shout "ttt-ttt-ttt-ttt" by straightening the body, then leaves by hopping. Its nest is placed on the ground or near the ground, often under a stone or root.
Solitary, it tolerates the presence of another Robin only if it is his partner during the breeding season. While many birds congregate in winter to find food more easily, the Robin is very attached to its tranquility, even when it is traveling.
Robins from northern Europe migrates towards Spain and other Mediterranean countries. And when it stops to rest and replenish its food supply for the next trip, there is no question of sharing its memories with a fellow countryman: its chooses a small piece of land that it thoroughly explores in order to get the most out of it during his stay, rather than scatter and nibble at random what falls under the beak.