Its song constituted of only 3 notes makes it one of the simplest to remember. It resonates from March onwards, when it returns from migration.

Very small, it weighs only 8 grams and has an olive-brown plumage identical in both sexes. Its lighter eyebrow weakly contrasts with the rest of the head, and its dark legs and rather short wings distinguish it from a neighboring species, the Willow Warbler.
Insectivorous, the Common Chiffchaff winters mainly around the Mediterranean Sea. However, more and more are wintering further north all over Europe and when temperatures are falling, they are getting closer to the cities, where it is always a few degrees higher than in the countryside.
As it moves along a thin branches in search of small insects under the leaves, it suddenly flies to capture a gnat in flight and then returns to the same place to continue his quest. We can hear very well the snapping of the bill during the capture of the prey, which can allow to locate the bird.