Who was never awakened at dawn by the song of the Blackbird? Measuring about 25 cm, the male is black with yellow bill and eye ring, the female is duller brown with a darker bill.

The Blackbird builds its nest in hedges, ivy walls, shrubs, in which it lays several eggs of blue color. It is found from city centers to the heart of forests.
However, urban Blackbirds breed earlier than forest ones, and some early chicks can be ready to fly in January. He regularly raises up to 3 broods the same year! The young are still fed 3 weeks by their parents after their takeoff from the nest.
Blackbirds particularly appreciate earthworms and all kinds of small insects, and love fruit in winter. Some can reach the age of 20! It is present all year long, but in autumn the blackbirds from northern Europe migrate to southern Europe.